




圣十字学院. 365比分网电竞 elevates those values 和 pedagogical practices that reflect the charism of the Congregation of Holy Cross. Foremost among the values is the educating of minds alongside the 形成 of hearts.  

The efforts of the HCI involve 教育, 形成 和 研究: 教育 of the public about the values 和 philosophy of Holy Cross 教育 promoted from the time of Father Basil Moreau, 圣十字教会的创始人, 到现在; 形成 董事会成员, 管理员, 教职员工, students 和 other members of school communities in these values; 和 研究 into these values 和 their application in 教育 和 teaching in the present time 和 into the future.

The HCI exists to further the application of the Catholic 和 Holy Cross 教育al mission of participating 教育al institutions from across the country. 圣. 365比分网电竞 enjoy a unique relationship with the Institute, which is the catalyst for mission integration on the Austin campus. The Institute enriches the university, enhances the school’s Catholic charact



圣十字学院 exists to promote 和 foster the divinely inspired gift of the charism of the Congregation of Holy Cross by educating the minds 和 cultivating the hearts of Holy Cross educators, 管理员 和 board members for the mission of Jesus Christ through the trans形成al work of Catholic 教育.


作为这复活工作的共同实践者, we affirm that through our unity we will contribute to creating a world in which love 和 justice prevail, never forgetting our vocational call to form 和 empower our students to be trans形成al leaders, 受福音启发, 给世界带来希望.


Trusting in divine providence, the Holy Cross Institute is committed to four core values: Building Respect, Educating Hearts 和 Minds, Being Family, 带来了希望. Our concern for the dignity of every human being as God’s cherished child directs our ministry to 建立尊重 by supporting men 和 women of grace 和 goodwill everywhere in our efforts to form communities of the coming kingdom. 我们的教育魅力号召我们这样做 教育心灵和思想,与…一致 家庭 圣十字的信徒 希望 带. Finally, animated by the Holy Spirit, we work with zeal to make God known, loved 和 served.


In 2004, inspired by the teachings of the 圣十字教会的创始人, 尊敬的巴兹尔·莫罗, C.S.C., the Holy Cross Institute was established to facilitate dialogue 和 networking opportunities 和 provide 教育al resources 和 形成 programs that transcend cultural differences 和 guide our individual 和 collective growth in mission. Recognizing that all mission is meant to be localized, the Holy Cross Institute is designed to inspire 和 facilitate a more  contemporary underst和ing of the Holy Cross charism 和 mission so that their application will permeate the immediate context of local Catholic 教育al ministries.



圣十字学院 plays a vital role in the life of the Congregation of Holy Cross’ global 和 ever exp和ing 教育al ministries. 我们的项目和资源提供 信息 on Holy Cross history, heritage, spirituality, 和 教育al charism 和 形成 opportunities for Holy Cross educators 和 leaders while participating in the continuing 转换 我们自己和这个需要帮助的世界.


HCI维护一个资源库, 发展以使命为导向的课程, 举办会议和研讨会, provides opportunities for shared practice 和 collaboration, 并发表文章, 书籍和参考资料,以帮助装备, 激励和授权圣十字董事会成员, 管理员, 教职工, students 和 other members of school communities to foster 和 continue the mission 和 教育al charism of the Congregation of Holy Cross. 另外, we provide 研究 into these values 和 their application in 教育, teaching 和 leadership in the present time 和 into the future.


尊敬的巴兹尔·莫罗 believed that mission is best expressed in the 形成 of 新 men 和 women “for better times than ours.” So that this mission may permeate our school campuses, acknowledging the uniqueness of each of the school cultures, 重点是教育工作者的形成, 管理员, board members 和 students in our schools through retreats 和 leadership development programs that provide opportunities for spiritual, 个人和职业成长.


作为信仰的教育者和耶稣的门徒, 我们被召唤成为更新的工匠, 使社会和教会重生, 和 to contribute to preparing the world for better times. 亲爱的巴兹尔·莫罗写道, “Education is a work of resurrection; it is meant to be a liberation from the darkness of ignorance; it is meant to be a vehicle for the trans形成 of society; 和 it is meant to be a process that helps to make all things, 尤其是从事这项工作的人, 新.”

“Consider the greatness of your mission 和 the wonderful amount of good you can accomplish.——巴兹尔·莫罗.S.C.
